"Spencer Fitzgerald"

The Charlatan

...What, you thought it was out of the goodness of his heart?

Spencer's Playbook











Special Moves:

  • Improvisational: When you use an improvised weapon to attack something, you may choose one of these extra effects:
  • Momentarily stun them with a blow to the head

    Trip or entangle them

    Inflict +1 harm, but the improvised weapon breaks

    Additionally, If your improvised weapon deals 3+ harm at once, you will injure someone else nearby, as well as your target (assuming that there is another person in the vicinity).

  • Puppet Master: Your party members look up to you. When you need them to perform a specific action, roll +Charm. On a 10+ they’ll do what you tell them they should, no questions asked. On a 7-9, they'll do it, but the Keeper chooses one from:

    They ask for something in return.

    They stall and dither.

    They have a "better" idea.

    On a miss, they don't do what you ask of them (and maybe lose a little bit of respect).

  • Takes One To Know One: If someone lies to you, you know it.
  • Deal With The Devil: Gain +2 to Weird (maximum +3). Whenever you take harm, become unstable, even if you have less than 3 harm total. If you're already unstable, take an additional point of harm instead.
  • Weapons:

    Sawn-Off Shotgun (3 harm, hand/close, messy, loud, reload); Hunting Rifle (2 harm, far, loud); Knife (1 harm, hand)

    ...I Also Kinda Wanted To:

    You're "haunted" by the "ghost of your former self." Whenever your treacherous past makes a reappearance that forces you to confront it, roll to Manipulate Someone. On a 10+, everyone believes that you're truly distressed at the consequences of your actions. On a 7-9, you have to really commit to the act in order for it to be believed. Take -1 forward to +Cool in order to sell it, or have someone realize that you're not as upset as you let on. On a miss, you really do freak out; take -1 forward to +Cool and +Tough rolls. Every time that you successfully Manipulate Someone by pulling off the sob story, gain +1 forward.


    Got ya. ;)