August St. Claire

The Anchor

He jokes that he's allergic to the supernatural, and it's half true — he tends to be the most sensitive when it comes to any kind of Loop, ghostie, or just plain ol' bad-memory haunting. Unfortunately for him, it also loves to come find him. On the upside, being so dialed-in to the Veil means that he gets the (un)enviable position of "crash test dummy." He'll be nauseous before anyone else has the faintest inkling that something's going wrong, so the rest of the party can all get out of dodge as fast as humanly possible.

Yeah, there are probably better positions to be in.

When he has the choice, he's a bit of a homebody — ghosts can't come looking for him if he doesn't throw himself in their way — and, besides, he likes taking care of the others and making sure that their slightly haunted safehouse is, er, a slightly haunted safehome. Because, you know, he's nice like that. (They'd all be screwed without him.)

He's also a master of the ancient art of bullshit; whether it's faking crop circles, getting Sam to snap grainy photos of the "alien" he's made out of chicken wire, or pointing out lights in the night sky that he'll swear up and down aren't just passenger planes and radio towers. The future is here. And it's a bunch of props that August's built in his spare time.

Other hobbies include improvising Molotov cocktails, drag (the performance art, not the race), and trying out new recipes whenever he has the chance. He's not above stealing cookbooks.

August's Playbook











Special Moves:

  • Canary in a Coal Mine: You are extremely sensitive to the supernatural. When you sense magic, roll +Sharp. On a 10+ you can tell the exact nature of the magic. On a 7-9, choose: either you can understand the magic but it notices you too, or else you may remain unnoticed but sense only a vague impression. Below a 7, you do not pick up any information and feel sick from the exposure.

  • Sweet Talk: When you speak to someone for a few seconds in a quiet voice, you can calm them down, blocking any panic, anger, or other negative emotions they have. This works even if the thing that freaked them out is still present, as long as your voice can be heard clearly. If you are soothing a party member, the effect will remain even after you have stopped speaking. If you are soothing a non-party member, you must be actively talking to them for the effect to be present.

  • The Power of Friendship: When fighting a monster (or in another active danger scenario), you do not need to roll +Cool in order to help any person who considers you a friend or close ally. Instead, you automatically succeed the check as if you had rolled a 10.
  • Weapons:

    Pocket Knife (1 harm, hand, useful, small); Improvised Explosive (4 harm, close, area, messy, loud)


    If you believe that another member of the party is in imminent danger of harm, take an additional -1 ongoing to all +Cool rolls, either until you have circumvented the harm or until you have met up with that party member face-to-face.







    Employed by a lush who just happens to have loads of money and a very good protection program. I deliver for a living. Runners, Hunters, Hunted, even Proxies or Agents. We'll get you what you need... as long as you pay the price. I do what's required of me. No more, no less.


    long walks on the beach, all my vital organs inside of me, whatever Spencer tells me to do, (as long as he isn't drunk), (the stupid lush)

    Favorite Music

    Deerhunter, Pink Floyd, Queen, Electric Light Orchestra, AC/DC, The Smashing Pumpkins

    What's the earliest you've gotten up to watch cartoons and what did you see?

    I remember when I used to watch tv after the news; one night I found this show about a little girl who was friends with pirates and a ship called the Laughingstock. It was really low-budget and kind of scary in an uncanny valley sort of way, (the puppets were all stitched together from various other dolly bits) but I loved it to death. ... Ha. Haha. Hahahhahaaa. I'm kidding.