Lorelei "Doc" Serra

The Bonesaw

The team doctor, although she doesn't exactly have a degree framed on her wall. She likes taking things apart until she can figure out how they work, and that applies to everything from felicific calculus, to the quantifiable nature of a haunting, to human beings. She'll even take jobs for free, as long as you let her study you enough for her insatiable curiosity, first. She doesn't totally remember her life before everything kicked off — mostly just hospitals (on rotation, then again on intake), an abusive ex-husband, and a whole lot of kindling — but she knows that she doesn't want to go back there.

Good thing that she's totally fine now, and definitely not tapping into her painkiller supply. That would be drug abuse, which would be bad, unsafe, and wrong, as she's so fond of telling Steele.

Patching up the rest of the party (and, semifrequently, herself) from their expeditions is a pretty good distraction from how shaky her mind's been getting these days, and the others don't even complain about her formaldehyde jars full of animal parts, or the days when she talks out loud to nobody in particular. In return, she shows her particular sarcastic brand of affection towards them all by providing a snarky deadpan disapproval to most of their shenanigans. Which works out just fine, because several of them speak primarily in 'bitch' anyway.

Now, if only they would all stop cutting themselves open (or shooting themselves in the limbs, or breaking things that really shouldn't be broken, or...)

Doc's Playbook











Special Moves:

  • Med School Dropout: You have a full first aid kit, and the training to use it. When you perform emergency first aid, roll +Sharp. On a 10+ the patient is stabilized and healed of 1 harm. On a 7-9, you can either heal 1 harm or stabilize an unstable injury. On a miss, you do not heal the patient.

  • Keep It Moving: Whenever you Act Under Pressure, you may choose to take up to +3 bonus points for future rolls. For each point that you choose to spend, the Keeper will hold 1 against you. This hold may be spent later — one-to-one — to give you -1 on any move other than Act Under Pressure.

  • DIY Surgeon: When you perform quick-and-dirty surgery on a party member who has suffered a serious injury (including yourself), roll +Sharp. On a 10+ the patient will be stabilized and healed of 2 harm. On a 7-9, it counts as normal first aid, plus one of the following effects:
  • The injury is stabilized, but the patient takes -1 on their next roll.

    The injury is stabilized and 1 harm is healed, but it will return as 2 harm in the future.

    The injury is stabilized and 1 harm is healed, but the patient takes -1 ongoing until it's fixed properly.

    On a miss, the patient will take 1 additional harm instead. If you are in a safe environment with more than one hour of free time, you may perform more meticulous surgery on another party member or yourself. You will automatically succeed the check as if you had rolled a 10.


    Scalpel (1 harm, hand, small); Garrote (3 harm, intimate); Butterfly Knife (1 harm, hand, innocuous)

    Commanded By Voices:

    You are prone to hallucinations, paranoia, and dissociative trances. Once you have spent more than 3 of your Luck points, every additional point that you spend will cause these symptoms to worsen.







    Courier, occasional Human Repairman


    United States


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