Samantha "Sam" Carnegie

The Clairvoyant

The newest addition to the party, Sam is still getting her sea legs when it comes to all this haunting business. No matter how far in she feels like she's gotten over her head, though, she's actually incredibly tuned-in to the supernatural — hell, she can even take messages from the other side. Actually, it's nice to be wanted around, since her ghost-channeling knack means she's pretty damn useful to have in tow while ghostbusting.

She does have a bit of a propensity for listening to the spirits — instead of, you know, the people who she's supposed to be hunting them with — but it usually works out, because they seem to be a bit fond of her, in their own ways. More concerningly, she claims that it's because she's perpetually accompanied by the ghost of her sister, no matter where she goes.

Which would be sweet, if there were any records of her having a sister in the first place.

Besides the whole spirit-medium thing, Sam likes to keep a camera and tape recorder on hand. In order to preserve all the, uh, lovely memories she's making. It makes her feel like a real ghost hunter. Very 2011 Slenderman vlog series of you, Sam. I'm sure this one won't go all Marble Hornets.

Sam's Playbook











Special Moves:

  • Gift of Sight: You can see the invisible, especially spirits and magical influences. You may communicate with the spirits you see, and they give you more opportunities to spot clues when you investigate a mystery. If the number or strength of the spirits is too great, you might become overwhelmed and take -1 ongoing.

  • Sacrificial Lamb: Whenever you go off by yourself to check out somewhere (or something) scary, mark experience. If, as a result, another party member is forced to put themself in grave danger in order to save you, mark a second experience point.

  • Eject Button: When you need to escape, name your route and roll +Sharp. On a 10+ you’re completely out of danger. On a 7-9, you can go or stay, but if you go it’s going to cost you (either you leave something important behind, or something unwanted comes with you). On a miss, you are caught.
  • Weapons:

    Baseball Bat (3 harm, hand, messy, heavy); Heavy-Duty Flashlight (1 harm, hand, useful)


    When dealing with a supernatural being that you've never encountered before, take -1 to any +Tough rolls. During any future encounters, you may choose to either roll normally or to gain a +1 bonus to your +Tough rolls. However, if you choose to gain +1, you will become overwhelmed at a future point (determined by the Keeper).





    United States


    I'm Sam. I'm alone in the world. Pretty much nothing else to say.


    I think I used to have these.

    You're going to the moon! What did you forget to pack?

    Oxygen. Guess I'm screwed.