Leon Steele

The Anaesthete

The Statler to Amanda's Waldorf. He lives life like he's dying — which, to be fair, is kind of accurate. He's lost enough family members (both blood and water) to make him swear off of relationships forever in favor of pretentious, nihilistic acts of hedonistic self-annihalation. Emotional attachments are for people who can afford to lose them, and he refuses to be a bleeding heart when everyone he knows is only one bad day away from being worm food.

The only problem is how terrible he is at not giving a shit.

Good thing there's an opiate for that (and, added bonus, it's surprisingly effective at getting the ghosts to shut up). If he's not getting obscenely high and pretending not to care about the rest of the party, though, he's probably fucking around in the garage somewhere, or off doing... whatever Steele does in his free time. He's sort of like a tomcat; nobody's quite sure what he's getting up to all day, but he's usually home by dinner, and if he isn't he'll turn up by this time next week.

Despite his tendency to be the one to argue with Spencer — hey, someone's gotta stand up to the guy every now and then — he's a surprisingly good team player for someone who acts like emotional bonds are horseshit. Maybe, possibly, he actually likes the rest of them. (In some cases, rather substantially.) Or, you know, maybe he's just covering his own ass.

I'm sure it's that second one.

Steele's Playbook











Special Moves:

  • Shady Connections: If you need to buy something, sell something, or hire someone for a job, roll +Charm. On a 10+ you know just the person who will be interested. On a 7-9, you know someone who can do it, but there’s a complication. Pick one:
  • You owe them.

    They screwed you over.

    You screwed them over.

    On a miss, the only person who can help is someone who absolutely hates you.

  • Nobody Left Behind: In combat, when you help another party member escape, roll +Sharp. On a 10+ you get them out clean. On a 7-9, you can either get them out or suffer no harm, you choose. On a miss, you fail to get them out and you’ve attracted hostile attention.

  • Gearhead: You have +1 ongoing while driving, plus you can hotwire anything (the older it is, the fewer tools you need to do it). You own a truck and a motorcycle, and you have an additional +1 ongoing while driving your own vehicles (+2 in total).
  • Weapons:

    .38 Revolver (2 harm, close, reload, loud); Shotgun (3 harm, close, messy); Brass Knuckles (1 harm, hand)

    Dragon Chaser:

    Whenever you're under the influence, take a -2 penalty to all +Weird rolls. If you abstain for more than a day, gain +2 to all +Weird rolls, but take -1 ongoing to all your other stats.





    Business Services


    Necessities Procurer


    United States


    What's there to say? I am here, and I am alive. Everything else is just details.

    Favorite Music

    The sound of my own voice.

    Favorite Books

    The ones Spence keeps that say when I'm getting paid, (Kidding - as if that drunkard keeps books)